Teleport to the spawn
Rank up to a higher rank
/rankup details
To view rankup requirements
To view rankup benefits
Open shop GUI
Open virtual backpack
Get your freebie rewards
Teleport back to your location
Teleport to a warp
Set a home
/delhome <homename>
Delete a home
Teleport to your home
Pay money to a player
/w <player> <message>
Whisper a player
/r <message>
Reply to the last recipient
Open menu for kits
Teleport to someone
Accept teleport request
Request someone to teleport to you
Deny a teleport request
Toggle accepting teleport request
/playtime <player>
Show your or other players playtime
Ignore a player
/seen <player>
Show the last logout time of a player
/realname <player>
Show the real name of the player
/recipe <item>
Display how to craft the specified item
Show your or other balance
View the top richest players
Apply your credits to mcMMO skills
Set mode to afk
Sit like a human being
Show mail commands
/invsort help
Inventory sorting commands
Preview title in 3rd person view
Create your own shop
/profile <player>
View player's profile
Set your social media accounts
Last updated